Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is where we will answer the most common questions our customers might think of while mattress shopping. If you have a question that is not answered below, please email:

Is the store still open?

As we navigate COVID-19 together, we want you to know that we are here to help you. We are committed to making the health and well being of our customers, families and staff our top priority!

Please click HERE to learn more about our commitment to you during COVID-19.

How often should I purchase a new mattress?

If you treat your mattress properly, it could last you as long as 10 years!

There is no set formula for how often you should purchase a new mattress. However, if you you notice any of the following, it is most likely time for a new one:

  • Your mattress has become less comfortable and supportive.
  • You wake up tired or achy.
  • You are tossing and turning throughout the night.
  • You notice sagging or lumps in certain areas.

How should I care for my new mattress?

Great question! Proper care is very important when making such an investment in yourself. We have posted some helpful tips and tricks on the Fond du Lac Mattress Blog, so be sure to check them out!